11-22-2010: Mmm you can have ALOT of fun with a hammer and a few nails. I certainly did.....
Just a reminder...just click on the thumbnail pictures (small pictures) to see the original sized picture.
11-04-2010: While I was enjoying sub ed yesterday, I decided to snap a few pictures. Mmm can you tell I am on a trend with all the needles these days I am playing with? LOL
10-31-2010: Ever wonder how many needles it would take to fuck up a set of nuts? Perhaps it would take just one session with multiple needles inserted directly into the testicles or maybe several times......I know this question has crossed your twisted little mind at least once for those that gets turned on by intense CBT....
Watch and find out....
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
10-10-2010: I seem to have hit the jackpot recently with testicle piercing and skewering. Recently I enjoyed Sissy slut Chastity aka freak by inserting needles into his testicles. Yes, I did get some video of it which is in the....
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
09-27-2010: As you may have noticed, I've been having some great fun with nuts lately. No castrations but I can't complain. Enjoyed My guinea pig overnight this past week. While he visited, I kept him in My piggy cage for several hours but when he wasn't in there I enjoyed piercing his nipples and so much more....yes I did take a picture or two to share.
This evening when I was going thru editing the skewering video, I found My video of the 6 inch Cock Brand which I have added to the Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery.
Of course today I enjoyed a set of nuts but skewering them with 22g 7in spinal needles and so forth. Surprise !!!! I actually got it on video which is on the Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery.
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
09-21-2010: With the lack of body mods recently on the personal front, I am loving the videos that I am getting from a few of you.
08-30-2010: I just had to share a video from youtube about Testicle Cooking. If you are really curious, they also have a yearly festival cooking and eating testicles.
08-22-2010: Before I post the next couple of links I want you to forewarn you that these links are to a porn site so keep your eye out for pop-ups and make sure your virus protection is ON. I am not in NO way affiliated with the site that hosts these videos but I enjoyed them so much I just had to share. While I do like the song "Big Balls" just ignore the stupidity. Thanks Gonnejob for sharing them with Me. I just wish I had access to the videos alone without all the useless porn.
Sadly the emasculator link is no longer valid as of 03-18-2017 and I have removed it.
Surgical Castration Video (video 2m 51sec)
08-06-2010: I am so pleased with My progress with My naughty little brand on freak aka Sissy chastity. Not bad for 3 weeks old....
08-01-2010: I just had to brag about a recent medical fetish meeting with sub d. I utterly enjoyed using a 22fr catheter to take control of his bladder then after draining his bladder I filled it with 120cc of saline, quickly clamping the catheter so he would feel his bladder overly full without the ability to release it. As he was restrained to My bondage table, I also injected his scrotum with 60cc of saline, slid several needles thru his nipples and sent electricity thru his balls and cock BEFORE I decided to remove the clamp and reconnect the drainage bag for his bladder to drain. And yes I do have a picture to share....
07-19-2010: Since I do try to keep My Medical session talk to this area of Leather Realm, I decided that the latest temporary branding (Devil's Fire) video should remain in this area even though the pictures are on the main "What's New". By the way....I had a blast burning the word "CockSuckr" into My freak's backside.
Latest Update:
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
07-09-2010: I had an excellent day yesterday. Not only did I enjoy one medical session but 2 of them and yes I have some eye candy to share....
I also want to thank sub ed for the devilish medical instruments he brought Me. Thank you!
Yes, I snapped a shot to share even though the picture only shows roughly half of what he brought.
06-30-2010: Since it has been a ho hum week, I went thru some of My old body mod pictures and found some that hadn't been posted. Nothing extreme but I enjoyed the experiences.
06-23-2010: I want to remind you, if you email Me for the latest burdizzo video there may be a delay of a day or two to send it to you. With all My regular email and then other responsibilities it is taking sometime to reply and send to everyone requesting it.
Ever wonder what other things can be done with an Emasculator? How about Nipple Torture? LOL
06-17-2010: Those that has come to visit Me whether it be once or on a regular basis over the years knows that often My 17 year old Calico cat Maggie would be in the dungeon usually sleeping or at times simply watching. With a heavy heart I am posting today of her passing yesterday. I feel as though a part of My heart has went with her. Those that love their "babies" such as Myself will understand My sadness while others may not. Keeping this in mind, I will not be having any meetings today.
06-13-2010: Since I am always being asked what supplies are involved with using the burdizzo, I thought I would share what My procedure tray looks like....
06-11-2010: I bet you have been wondering when I would be finally updating the Castration/Medical blog....well by the end of the weekend I will have a nifty little video to share with you involving the burdizzo being used. And YES much longer than the 30 second clip I showed you before. Keep your fingers crossed that the conversion goes smoothly.
As she strutted in My door followed by her slave, "what a proud owner" I thought to Myself. Once inside she ordered him to close and lock the door behind them which he did without hesitation. Immediately as soon as the lock was turned, he began to undress displaying his leather collar then quickly knelt on the floor. Her slave with his forehead on the floor awaited her next command.
After a few minutes of discussing what she has been doing with him, she explained that her slave is also her husband. After so many years of marriage, she had decided that because of his inability to satisfy her that she would train him to be her pussy licker. The flesh between his legs was worthless so she had been entertaining herself by torturing it. She went on to explain that while she enjoys causing him to suffer by torturing his balls and cock, that she wanted more ways to cause him to suffer. This was the reason she had contacted Me to mentor her.
I told her if she had something more comfortable to change into, she would find in the next room some privacy to do so. As she left the room she said, "slave make me proud by doing exactly what MsPatty tells you to do". Quickly I said, "get on the bed slave with your back down, arms and legs spread". Once again as if his Owner had spoken My words, he did so without hesitation. Once in position I began taking the leather restraints and attaching them on each of his limbs, securing him tightly. Helpless, excited and utterly fearful he lay there restrained as Jen returned. As she stood next to the bed where he lay helpless, I see that she had changed into a black leather corset, black stockings with garter belt and no panties. Her smooth tanned skin glowed in the dim lighting of the dungeon. Together, we looked down upon his bare flesh. After a moment, I asked Jen if she would like to know how to cause him the ultimate form of suffering. Curious, she asked Me to show her. Smiling, I told her to climb up on the bed and straddle his chest while facing Me. Slowly she slid up onto his chest which caused him to breath just a little faster than before.
I began to ask her if she has had problems with him releasing his pathetic little cock mess when he didn't have her permission. Her answer was yes she had but she had been gaining control over this without a chastity device thus far. Knowing her next answer I asked, "Do you want to know how to permanently take care of this without the use of a device forever?" Her lips began to spread wide as her answer escaped her full red lips, "yes, I would love to know how." With a smile, "I have a wonderful piece of equipment that will take away that problem." At this the male began to wiggle around, pulling at the leather restraints keeping him helpless as his Mistress stayed atop of him to hold him down even more. The sight of her bobbing up and down to keep him still, all I could do was giggle as I reached for the burdizzo from the wall. "I can't see, please let me see," squealed the male from behind his Mistress. To his cries Jen wiggled further back filling his open mouth with her dripping pussy, "lick it clean pussy licker, this will keep you quiet."
With each step I began to open and close the blades of the burdizzo, the sound of metal echoed thru the room. Each clank from the metal smacking together cause the male to pause, causing his Mistress to tell him to focus or else. Once I reached the end of the bed, I looked at Jen as she was grinding her pussy against her male's face. Her moans lasting longer and longer with each orgasm. In a whisper I said, "grab that excuse for a cock so it isn't in the way." As her hands wrapped around his now throbbing cock, I began to locate one of his spermatic cords with My fingers. With My thumb and forefinger I held his cord, sliding it between the blades of the burdizzo. As the cold steel touched his bare flesh, he began to scream from under her slick void.
"Oh God, oh God...no," he cried as I smiled at his Mistress and asked her if she would like to solve her problem. "How does this solve my problem?, Jen asked. With a smirk I said, " once these cords are clamped for a certain amount of time, those pesky balls will die and slowly break down being absorbed into his body leaving him castrated." Suddenly she paused, quickly lowering her face close to his groin. Slowly I began closing the clamp causing him to scream more from under her as she watched with amazement. The flesh between the blades began to indent till there was very little space between the two blades. "All I have to do is now crush, closing the blades completely," the words leaving My lips almost to a melody. At this her male began bucking.....she rode him as if she was attempting to tame a wild horse. "Your choice," I told her over the screams from under her. I looked into her eyes, she into Mine as she said, "not today but soon." Quickly we both began to laugh as she climbed off the now tearing slave.
As we began to release him from his restraints I giggled, "is your Mistress going to have any further problems from you?" His reply was, "no Ma'am. "
04-25-2010: As it came to no huge surprise that the second male that I had screened for a face to face meeting about clamping did not appear. At this point I will not be making this offer again. I will just do as I have done in the past and see what happens.
Since I do tend to get around online, I just had to share what I found on the Fail Blog...
I know a few males that would have been thrilled to see this sign.
04-08-2010: Surprise, surprise another fuck hole decided to not only waste My time by contacting Me to possibly get My help with clamping but went so far to arrange a face to face with Me and then confirm 2 hours prior to not show up. I have one more possible next week for a face to face, let's see if he will actually surprise Me and follow thru.
04-05-2010: The face to face meetings begin this week with male #1. I am very excited about the prospect and keep your fingers crossed that I find My male to clamp.
03-19-2010: It seems as though I may have My 2 males to help with clamping. Yes, I decided to have a runner up just in case the first one disappoints. Keep your fingers crossed that I will have not only a another set to My name but a great video to share on how to correctly use the burdizzo.
03-13-2010: Tonight on CNN at 8pm Eastern there is an interesting documentary called "Her Name Was Steven" which is about one persons journey to become a transgendered woman..
03-10-2010: For those of you that has emailed in the last few days about My offer below, be patient. I will be answering these emails before the weekend so keep an eye out for it.
03-02-2010: With just last month being so unpredictable because of the snow, I am hoping March will give Me more opportunities to take more interesting video and pictures to share.
Random thought for today....when you negotiate a scene or a multi session scene, make sure you actually stick to the agreed upon time frame otherwise you risk being told that I have lost interest in you.
02-04-2010: So I bet you have been wondering what I have been up to......enjoy.
01-26-2010: Today I enjoyed a very long visit from My guinea pig and yes I did manage to snap a few photos for you to enjoy. BTW notice the red bloody scratch marks? I just love My sharp finger nails. LOL
01-10-2010: I now have someone that has taken Me up on My offer for help with the burdizzo, if they should back out within 30 days, I will go to the next in line till I finally have My set of balls
10-04-09: For those of you that are like Myself have an interest in not only castration but the use of the burdizzo, when I say Spermatic cord it seems as though not many of you know exactly what that cord is made up of so keeping this in mind...........
The above picture should give you a better idea of what the Spermatic Cord is and what makes up this cord.
08-06-09: This evening I actually had some free time so I went looking around online at the various fetish sites and ran into a Female Dominant that I love seeing her needle play pictures. She is in her low 60's and I just had to post that I can only PRAY that when I am in My 60's that I am still happy, frisky and enjoying playing with needles and balls.
And before I close this journal entry, I have another video to share.....
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
07-25-09: After recently enjoying My Pain Slut with sliding needle after needle into the testicles between his legs, I just felt like sharing a couple of pictures and a very stimulating video.....enjoy.
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
07-11-09: I am going to take this time to remind you, I am NOT a Medical Certified Professional nor can I legally give you Medical Advice. If you have Medical questions I suggest you talk to your Doctor.
And YES even though I am not a Medical Certified Professional, I LOVE Medical Fetish.
06-23-09: Recently there has been quite a few questions about Head Splitting which yes I have done but I did want to post a couple of interesting sites that you can find a more detailed description and some pretty great pictures as well. Before you ask, I have not done complete genital bi-section. I'd love to get more experience but again I have not had the pleasure of doing it.
And yes I am here wet just dreaming of more adventure.
06-15-09: I've been having a few of you asking about My new larger sounds. The latest additions are a 17/18 mm and a 41/44 fr. Below you will see what I mean by large.....
06-04-09: I don't know if other's that enjoy medical fetish are similar to Me but when I am shopping for supplies or new equipment I get so turned on. I would assume is the same reaction that those that get into the more craftier fetishes feel as they are walking thru Home Depot which many fetishist refer to as Kinky Depot. When My supplies arrive it's almost like Christmas, opening packages discovering the treasures they hold. Mmmm the surgical steel...shiny and reflective catching My sultry expressions as I begin to lust over them.
Yesterday when the saline arrived the surprise that the case arrived so quickly and the fact that the clear pillows of fluids dancing in the case was just so enticing. I was breathless as I began making room for them in My supply storage.
Isn't it interesting what and how things even the more common turn on a person?
05-26-09: After making the statement below about inflations of the scrotal and breasts, I decided before being swamped by those wanting to share in My love of body modification/medical fetish that I needed to double check to see if I had enough supplies. Go figure I don't so I just placed an order for the supplies I needed like Saline.
For those that enjoy medical fetish and are looking for an inexpensive source..... check out Shop Med Vet Online. Shipping is $10 flat but it comes FedEx and the CS is very professional and polite.
Saline, I actually ended up ordering from Medline Industries, Inc. The bonus was the warehouse where My saline was shipped from is less than 15 minutes from Me. Shipped in less than 2 days. Very nice.
05-20-09: Since recently My need to use a human toilet has been taken care of My next extreme craving is castration and saline breast inflation. Yes, another rarity but oh would I love to have My craving fulfilled. So which Sissy bitch is going to step up for a pair of real tits of your own for a few hours? LOL
04-02-09: Ahh another interesting banding but this time it was with Sissy slut chastity. Did I leave the band on too long and destroy his balls or did I have mercy and remove it? While the video was edited not only because of file size but the quite messy ending, I'm sure it will be informative and entertaining. I know I enjoyed Myself during it.
FYI....Always Stay Still When Someone Has A Scalpel Close To Your Nuts.
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
03-24-09: Let's remember when emailing Me:
I will NOT engage in REAL surgical castration. Fantasy Surgical YES but not the actual procedure.
03-18-09: With Male Genital Modifications forum being removed which I loved, I ask anyone that has a love for castration to help Bill that owns and runs The Burdizzo Castration Forum with donations to help with the expense of keeping the site online. As a webmaster Myself, I know how expensive and time consuming a website can be so again if you can help, click the link and donate. If some kind souls don't, it will be gone in the next few days as I hear.
03-12-09: I had the pleasure of enjoying guinea pig this past weekend. Top of the list was the banding that I allowed him to experience. Yes, I did get video. The video clearly shows where there are lapses in time since I could not video the entire experience. Don't worry though, all the best parts are featured on the video.
Can you guess how long the banding took place? Did I keep the band on too long so there is permanent damage? Watch the video and find out.
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
02-23-09: Ahh My Christmas gift obviously didn't come to past....what a shame. With the gift of another set it would have made the long wait for another pair so worth the wait. Unfortunately it has yet to come to pass. I keep hopeful though that I will be adding to My castration record.
As some of you may have read on the What's New page, I have been doing My yearly medical supply shopping. I found the most lovely spinal needles to do Testicle Skewering with as well as a liquid suture for Scrotum Cutting. Mmm now to use them.
01-28-09: I heard on the grapevine that Dr. Kimmel out of Philadelphia has formally retired. As many of you know, he is one of the most well known surgeons that would do elective surgical castration without a psych evaluation. If this is indeed true, I certainly hope another surgeon will step forward to take his place since the castration community needs more certified surgeons to join the fight for elective castration.
It's truly a shame in our society when people can have other various forms of elective surgeries that castration is not one of them without jumping thru hoops.
12-11-08: I just recently found out some wonderful news, those that has been emailing about buying Xylocaine from Me needs to go to BMEzine Shop. Yes they are finally back up and selling it once again. They have other forms of anesthetic as well. I am so glad to see them back up since I am really running low Myself.
The other evening I met with pain piggy, had a great time banding his balls then inserting 10 needles into each of this testicles for a total of 20. Had the video camera going during but unfortunately something happened and it didn't record. Damn it. It was great and I so wanted to share, perhaps soon it will happen again. I'm sure you all know how much I enjoy sharing My adventures with you.
Friday, I am looking forward to another banding meeting with Sissy slut chastity. Cross your fingers that My video camera works this time around. Should be quite interesting since I will be banding him then putting him into My piggy cage for awhile to suffer for Me. LOL I can not wait.
Oh and cross your fingers, I may be getting the Christmas gift that I am REALLY wanting from Santa this year. A couple more sets of balls.
12-01-08: My heart was a tender place, long ago before he crept inside of it. So young, so full of hope, simply enjoying each and every day, looking for trouble around every corner. Never looking for love as most typical girls was at My age. Just wanting to explore new adventures, never looking for anything long term....that was before he came along. Slowly without a sound, My heart craved more and he more than willing to fill that undiscovered void.
As My new found love filled My soul, I put aside My toys and passions. Allowing each moment of everyday to be filled by typical dreams of big picket fences and children over flowing beyond its boarders. Less than a year within this fantasy world, a little gold ring determined our future. Happiness filled My lost soul more and more....till he was no more.
Like a thief in the night, he was gone.
Years passed, life went on and My lost soul discovered happiness once again.
Not so young yet filled with the same energy I set forth in the life I had long ago embraced but pushed aside for that typical dream. Enjoying all that life had to offer. The lost love had moved on as well, stomping thru more women's hearts. Feeding his selfish ways till he found Me once again.
First contact by a coward was thru family and friends. "How pathetic", I thought to Myself as they reported to Me. As the days passed a very pleasurable thought kept creeping in My mind. One that at times, alone in My tub as the warm water encased Me, My body thrusting brought quite a bit of pleasure to Me physically.
As any creature that has been pushed away, he continued till one day he finally was man enough, so he thought, to contact Me personally. Scornful feelings pushed aside easily as I catered to his ramblings of our prior glory. Contact continued till the day he asked to see Me once again.
My answer was yes but on My terms.
My terms was quite simple. He was to come to Me for a simple lunch. If our lunch went well then contact would continue.
As he entered My door I greeted him with all the sweetness as he had met 15 years ago. The sweet young girl that had never felt love therefore was not looking for it. Lunch went well and we chatted about our past love as well as a possible future. Till soon an hour had past and he found himself being seduced as he claimed he had been so many years before.
Soon My pouty, red lips danced along his neck, I whispered to him to come with Me. He quickly followed as I lead him by his hand to My bedroom.
Feeling his hands, his lips, his skin upon Mine caused My body to feel as if he had never been gone. My body reacted so passionately as if it would never be left wanting again. My soul screamed as My void was filled by his hard member thrusting deep inside of Me till we both collapsed into slumber.
A creature's habits never change and this was to My advantage. As I sat next to him, I watched as he slept soundly.
Quietly, I began to gather My restraints and attached each of his limbs to My bed frame which holds My gallows. To finish I placed My gag into his open mouth as he snored.
A few moments passed as I gathered My tray of needed supplies and then I sat next to him once again. "What a lovely cock", I thought as I smiled and giggled to Myself.
To begin, I started with shaving him as he lay asleep. After a few minutes he began to wake. With quite a surprised look, he focused at what I was doing. I simply smiled and continued as I began to tell him how I always enjoyed his cock so much. I talked about how I felt when he left, how My life had began once again when I decided to re-enter the lifestyle and after he left that I would never allow a male to get under My skin as he had. As I finished with My shaving, I told him that if he moved I would remove his cock. He laid without moving a muscle.
As I picked up My scalpel, I looked up and smiled. "Ahh just think, perhaps after this you will be a better man", as I began cleaning his scrotum with iodine and slowly began cutting it with the scalpel. A simple incision of an inch was made till I revealed a testicle and gently pulled it from it's safe surroundings. As his testicle laid in My gloved hand, I looked up at him and said, "since you are unable to produce life and you couldn't fuck to save your life when we first met, I am removing what is not needed". Quickly I clamped the spermatic cord with forceps.
Tears began to flow from his eyes as he watched Me using My cautery pen, removing the first testicle and repeating with the next. Before I released the clamps, double checking for bleeding and then began suturing his scrotum. Once closed, cleaning the area once again and applying bandages, I looked at him again and said, " this will be our little secret along with so many others that I have kept for you over the years". He nodes in agreement as I finished and laid beside him.
It is true what they say.....never break a woman's heart. She will get even in the end.
11-15-08: I had such a lovely time with Guinea Pig today. And yes, I did take a few pictures which you may enjoy. Mmmm I just love inserting needles into nipples then attaching a little bit of floss so I can hang weights on them. Of course the electro and using him as a toilet was excellent as well. Not to mention hammering 4 nails into his balls. To answer your questions....yes My panties was soaked from being so stimulated.
10-26-08: I happen to be looking around online and found a very interesting article from the BBC about Female To Male Trans Gene Discovery.
Check Out The Articles Here.
10-03-08: Since as you can tell I've been really letting My Castration & Medical journal fall behind I figured it was time to put some information here.
09-10-08: Everyone is always asking how does clamping feel when using a inject able anesthetic.....so keeping this in mind I am going to show you. Xylocaine 2% is an inject able anesthetic which lasts up to 2 hours after injection.
Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
08-28-08: I met one of the most fascinating people today and I am looking forward to our possible new journey together. Many of you already know but I have limited experience with chemical castration, while I will not say it is because of the lack of interest on My part but rather the lack of consensual participants. After this mornings first meeting with sub keith, I am looking forward to more experience as well as the idea of pushing not only him further but gaining more experience with the various extreme CBT interests we both share. And who knows....perhaps you will be able to take a peek inside our journey together by possible videos and photos that will be taken.
08-26-08: Those those interested in Chemical Castration, Inhouse Pharmacy has them and from what I hear you do NOT need a prescription. Good luck.
For additional dosage information and side effects check out this thread on Eunuch Archive Message Boards. Very informative. A great read for those interested in Chemical Castration and M2F Transformations.
So I bet you'd like to see some eye candy.....this past weekend I had the pleasure of using My guinea pig after several months so how did I use him? Oh I just love using My tens unit and My staple gun. Perhaps next time My target will be his nuts... LOL
08-19-08: So I bet you have been wondering what has Ball Buster MsPatty been up to? I bet in that little mind you have been asking...."Has She Taken Any Balls Lately?" Hmmmm now that is a very good questions. Perhaps soon your questions will be answered.
Ah yes I have added another Burdizzo to My collection... I finally found the 16in that I have been looking for. I wonder who is going to be the first within it's clamp?
06-23-08: I decided over the weekend to show the correct position for a burdizzo castration in a couple of photos that was taken Saturday....
06-17-08: I've been working on
banners today for Leather Realm and I just remembered, I didn't post of pictures
from the Midnight Pajama Party that I had with Pain Piggy. Remember, the entire
video is located in the Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery
06-03-08: I have received emails from some that assumed because of My participation at the Burdizzo Castration site that I would no longer have a Castration & Medical Fetish Journal on Leather Realm. This is NOT the case. Updates will continue to be posted, videoed and photographed on Leather Realm.
Check out Castration & Medical Fetish Video Gallery For the latest videos.
05-08-08: As you can tell I've made some small changes. One being the fact because of the lack of Castration material such as session blog entries, photos and vids that I am now also including another passion of Mine....Medical and Body Mods. While My interest in Castration has not decreased, those that visit Me from time to time has decreased. Yes, basically give Me the balls to enjoy and I will keep this area of Leather Realm updated more.
Cross your fingers but I may soon have a "How To" video for the burdizzo.
04-10-08: Want to ask Me questions about castration and so forth? I am in the Dungeon waiting....click on the above link to the Burdizzo Castration Forums.
02-23-08: Ahh My late night visits with pain piggy. I do so love them. This time around I inserted 5 needles completely thru his left nut. Mmmmm then of course I came hard as he watched. LOL
Oh and yes My pets I did take a few pictures....
01-27-08: I had the pleasure today of meeting with another slave dave and torturing his nuts. I started with biting his nipples and applying electro on this cock and balls. Of course that was not enough for Me at 9am in the morning...I put the Tri-bander ring over his nut sack then released causing his balls to be banded. I'm sure you are wondering if he lost his nuts today.....after getting quite wet and dripping I decided to give him the nuts between his legs on loan till I decide to take them back. With a snap after slowly slicing thru the ring with a scalpel I removed the ring.
That's right boys....his nuts are Mine.
I look forward to seeing him again so I can take My nuts back.
01-21-08: Bumping around last night as frustrated as could be I vented quite loudly to My pain piggy earlier in the evening. Later last night to ease My frustration he came over. Even though the visit was short I did do a tiny bit of needle play. Two needles in the right testicle. To say the least I was wet and had sweet dreams.
01-15-08: "I know what you've been up to, I know where you have been." I thought to Myself as I saw you exit the cab. As you entered you saw Me sitting on the bed smiling, being the ever cheerful host. "Take a seat on the bench so that we can chat a bit before we begin", I told you. With a smile you do so and we begin to get reacquainted. After a short while I am ready to begin and I tell you to undress and stand in front of the cross. Without hesitation you do so.
"How exposed you look and soon to be quite helpless", I taunted as I reached for the black leather restraints. With a smirk I began attaching the restraints to your wrists then to each point of the cross on either side of you followed by a restraint on each ankle. "Can you walk away from the cross?" I asked. "No, I can not", you replied. As the words left your lips a huge smile crossed Mine and I began to giggle with glee.
"What a pathetic, worthless little man", I thought as I walked into the other room to bring in My supply table. When I had returned, I placed the supply table next to the cross for easy access. "How I do love seeing you completely helpless", I remarked as I reached for the Tri-Bander. As I attached the thick ring to the bander I began to giggle, reaching for your hanging balls. Slowly opening up the jaws of the bander, spreading the ring into a pyramid shape and sliding each of your testicles into it's void. With one smooth motion, I close the jaws of the bander around your hanging scrotum. Quickly you feel the pain of the pinch of the tightening ring as I remove the bander and leave behind the ring cutting into your flesh. As the thought of loosing your balls washes over you, you begin to ramble.
"Be quiet", I say as I reach for the ball gag and place it into your gapping lips. Quickly I fasten the straps around your head to secure the gag. As I look on My left side towards the table I see what My heart desires, the 14 gage coring needles. Warm sensations suddenly crawl down My spine as I reach for one of the needles, removing it from it's packaging. With a glint in My eye I tell you that you are going to suffer for Me today as I clean your nipples with pine cleaner then placing the forceps on your left nipple, snatching it within it's blades. With My left hand I slowly bring the needle close to your pinched nipple, piercing it slowly as I look within your eyes till the needle pierces thru the other side, exposing it's tip. As the pain from the prick begins to sizzle thru out your left side, I place the forceps onto your right nipple as you watch. My hand reaches for the next needle, removing it from its packaging and begin it's path as the prior had done.
"Tick, tick, tick, tick....15 minutes has passed and your balls are slowly dying from the blood supply being removed. Redish purple, slowly becoming darker. Subtle changes alerting to their demise. No longer do you feel extreme pain, just an unreal numbness." I proclaim. My excitement is evident by My heavy breathing and uncontrollable giggles from viewing such delightfully wicked colors knowing soon your manhood will be Mine. Scanning over My supply table once again in My little eye I see My scalpel. My heart skips a beat as My hand extends. My fingers slide slowly around the handle lovingly grasping it tight. My fingers slightly tickle the blade as I demonstrate it's sharpness. All the while you watching closely at My delight. My upper lip curls as I begin wiping your scrotum with pine cleaner. The coolness of the alcohol titillates you, taunts you.
As I bring the blade close to your bare flesh I whisper, "I am going to set you free". My blade slowly teases your flesh, slicing into it. Droplet's of blood gently appear as My blade pierces, cutting into your darkening sack. Slowly slicing down the left of center of your sack, just above where your testicle is. "Perhaps I will just remove them surgically", I taunt as I begin slicing into the right of center. Carefully repeating the motions to slide the blade further into your skin.
"Tick, tick, tick, tick....another 15 minutes has past now, your balls must be dead now", I chant as I yank on your bloody sack.
Feeling quite aroused I sit across from you on the bed, laying back to expose My juicy pussy. Sliding My fingers along My clit, I adore My progress. Watching your swollen, discolored sack dripping blood along the floor. Moans begin to leave My body, deep from between My void, filling the air with the smell of My juices. "you will never use women as wank material ever again", I hiss as the sensations travel thru out My body. As the ripples of sensations flood out of Me I begin to get louder till a puddle of sweet juice appears on the bed. Sitting up, I slide My skirt down once again and walk over to you applying My blood stop pen to your sack and removing the band. "No I will not do surgical nor banding," I say as I clean your now pulsating sack as the circulation returns. Giggling, I begin to remove each coring needle replacing them with captive rings. "Mmmmm I just love pierced nipples" I proclaim.
As I began detaching you from the cross, removing the leather restraints I tell you that you will return tomorrow at 2pm. Just before I release you from the last restraint I smile and remove the ball gag from your dripping mouth.
Once dressed we find the cab waiting for you just outside but before leaving I whisper in your ear..."Tomorrow at 2pm you will come to Me....who knows what will happen then."
The Next Day.....
Never being the one to disappoint, you show up smelling sweetly at My door at 2pm on the dot. As you enter this time you see not only Myself sitting on the bed but another younger lady that you had never met before. "Take a seat on the CBT bench david", I say quite smugly as you sit down. We begin our visit with very light chit chat. Soon I look at you and say, "Oh by the way this is Lisa and I have told her all about you." Surprised by the honesty to My friend you simply reply, "Yes Ma'am". After a few moments as I was ready to begin, I looked at Lisa smiling, "today I am going to show you how I prefer My men." Lisa laughs and says, "I am looking forward to it."
"Undress, then on the floor and kneel", I tell you. Once undressed and kneeling on the floor you are at eye level to our bare feet. Giggling, Lisa and I begin to taunt you. "So you enjoy pulling on that pathetic little thing and watching nude girls do you?" I snidely remark. Looking downward you reply, "yes Ma'am." As Lisa and I continue our bombardment of criticism, your eyes remain looking at the floor. "What? you can't get it up for a REAL woman?" I ask driving home My point. Noticing your dismay I laugh..."what a pathetic, worthless male you are."
As you shift back and forth your body weight onto your knees, I tell you to stand up then walk over to the large spanking bench in the corner of the room. Once you have climbed up onto the bench, your knees bent as your body is laying over the leather covered back of it, I begin sliding the leather belts over your calves, thighs and back to restrain you completely. I place a wedge between your bent knees to keep your legs separated.
Just as the last belt is tightened and latched, I look over at Lisa with a huge smile. "Lisa can you believe all the nasty shit this sick fuck has been up to?" Smiling back she says, "No, I can't and it is a very good thing you are doing for not only this pathetic prick but society. I wish all sick fuckers would get their nuts cut off." As I place the ball gag in your mouth I say, "I couldn't agree with you more Lisa."
Lisa proceeds to the bed as we talk loudly, continuing I reach for My English Raton Cane. Suddenly without a word I begin. The swish from the cane slicing thru the air booms when it makes contact to your bare flesh. Quickly a red mark appears as the onset of the welt follows. Soon your flesh is covered in long red marks that the cane as left behind. "you won't be disrespecting any other female after I am done with you today, bitch. No more of your wanking to nude girls, No more of your wasting money and attention on that worthless piece of flesh that defines your gender."
Now the once red marks turn into slices, blood and bruising takes its place as I continue caning your burning flesh. The more I talk, the heavier the booms blasts over your skin. Suddenly I pause and throw aside My cane, calling for Lisa. "Lisa, come hold this bitches cords in place." As you feel Lisa's hands cupping your scrotum roughly, you feel the squeeze from your finger tips holding the cords in place....your nostrils are filled with the familiar scent of pine cleaner.
"Today you are going to feel every single second of your balls demise bitch", as I place the burdizzo on your left cord. In a quick motion I close the burdizzo clamp...you hear the snap of the clamp as it closes completely. Instantly you feel the snap, the cord being pinched to cut the blood supply off to your testicles. your body begins to shake and sweat from the intense pain. From behind you, you hear Lisa and I laughing and rejoicing. Minutes pass yet feels like an eternity till I remove the clamp. As the blood supply returns the pain increases. Slightly broken skin of your scrotum, swelling and the obvious crimp of the cord is embedded into your scrotum.
The familiar scent once again of pine cleaner fills the air..."One more cord and you are completely Mine." As My words roll off My tongue your body begins to shake as if you are attempting to get loose. "What? you want to wank one last time bitch? No! you have wanked all you are EVER going to before coming to Me. Now Lisa keep his cord in place", I say as you feel the cold steel of the burdizzo encase the right side of your sack. As sudden as before you hear the snap of the steel closing completely, pinching your cord, cutting off the blood supply once again. The intense pain already being present from the left now increases. My voice echoes in your head, "Now you can be truly Mine, selfless and attentive to My needs."
Minutes passing, your body is shaking even more violently now. I remove the clamp from your right cord. Feeling quite pleased with Myself, I begin removing the belts holding you down. Without removing the ball gag I tell you to climb onto the bed and lay on your back. Once laying down, Lisa and I begin restraining your wrists and ankles to the gallow frame.
Nude, helpless, castrated, bleeding, bruised and swollen, you lay restrained on the bed. Lisa and I being quite content, undress and snuggle up to your battered body.
"Sweet Dreams" are the last words I utter as we drift off into our own dream land.
09-08-07: Guess who came over tonight to play with Me? Hmmm no clue? LOL Yes My favorite little pain slut. Began our time together by banding his nuts once again. That's always fun. This time of course I did band a bit higher than normal. Teasing him, allowing him to think tonight I was not going to cut the band...eventually I did but only after I was totally pleased. Of course to remind him what a real cock looks like I took out a very realistic 6 in dildo and placed him on his knees in front of Me. My legs spread and I began rubbing My throbbing clit and slid the dildo into My dripping pussy. Then while I rubbed My clit and reminding him that his cock is worthless and that I was taking his balls, I had him slide the dildo into Me at the perfect rhythm till I came so hard I squirted.
Here is a few pictures to rub to before I remove your worthless nuts....
By looking at the 3rd and 4th picture you will see the indention from the band into the scrotum. Mmmmm very nice.
09-02-07: I am looking for a gently
used medical exam table or massage table. Basically a table that I can use for
medical play within My play space. In the past years I've used beds, My spanking
bench and various other tables but nothing suits My needs well other than a
medical exam table or massage table.
I will barter or buy if inexpensive. One of these as a gift would also be quite
nice. If you have the ability to build something similar contact Me.
07-18-07: Snapped a photo yesterday that I just had to share.....
Ball Bustin' Bitch
06-01-07: I met with slave david again yesterday. I noticed his left testicle's texture was much more soft than before. While I was not going to clamp again I did band him and left the band on for 20 minutes. I used the Tri-bander for this. I also played with the scalpel along his sack to cause him to get even more hyper than he already was. This along with a nice little caning prior to releasing his balls from the band made it quite the enjoyable time together. Mmm yes I did catch the banding on video. While not the greatest lighting as usual it was pretty nice. To view this video just go to the Photo Gallery Under Castration Videos.
04-26-07: Today in one of the groups I am in an interesting question came about. This male was wondering if there was a need for him to be castrated by the burdizzo even though he had years ago a vasectomy. In other words he thought it would be double kill.
The procedure for a vasectomy is quite simple. They simply sever and cauterize each of the Vas Deferens which is a thin, hard cord that runs from each testicle to the urethra that carries sperm. Even though the Vas Deferens are part of the Spermatic Cord, in this collection of arteries and veins the Vas Deferens are the ONLY cords severed by the vasectomy procedure.
The procedure for clamping with the burdizzo is simple as well. The entire Spermatic Cord this includes the Vas Deferens that carries testosterone throughout the body are crushed, causing blood supply to be cut off and the testicles to die. Eventually the testicles break down and are absorbed into the body. And yes again that takes time and for some the testicles never do completely break down.
I certainly hope this helps anyone looking for this information.
04-13-07: Balls, Balls Everywhere but not a damn set to clamp.....WTF? I heard from slave david last week wanting to come for another visit to get his remaining ball. Soon this will come to pass. Then next month I will be taking another set. Yes I will be taking video. Thank GOD. Its about time.
Now here is a question for you males. Why contact Me to ask questions about castration then get to the point to meet then...POOF your gone? Why waste My time and yours to accomplish NOTHING? Think about that one boys the next time you grab that worthless piece of flesh between your legs to diddle with.
02-18-07: I got a rather interesting email from slave david. Yes the slave from back in early December. Go figure he has not had an erection since I used the burdizzo on his pathetic set of nuts. LOL Oh YES Im looking forward to seeing him again.
01-14-07: Well its certainly been a long night. Between being under the weather since Thursday I was to the say least needing some excitement. Tonight around 2am or so My pain slut calls up and asks if he could come over to entertain Me. After a few minutes of chatting I told him to come to Me.
To begin our time together I told him to undress this of course is usual. Not only does it give Me a chance to inspect My past work but to get ready to entertain Me. I began by telling him about tonight is going to be one step further to taking his nuts. Mmm banding, turning those little useless things all red then purple then the wonderful black color. I had preciously told him about the Tri-bander that I had gotten of course I had not used it on him...well not till now.
After a bit of pulling, I began with putting his balls/sack into the extended ring along with a strip of surgical tape so if I decided to take the ring off cutting would be easier. Instant pain which I could see from his face and the instant redness and bulging of the sack was his first reaction soon after collapsing the ring around the package then of course removing the Tri-bander. Mine of course was giggles with glee and a wet puddle between My legs from the thought of those little nuts dying slowly. Im sure by now your creaming for a bit of eye candy....
So as you can see from the above they are starting to get dark which means they are dying.....want to see darker? I knew you would....
12-01-06: As you can see I started this journal back in August but waited till now to actually add it to the castration fetish page. My reason for waiting was quite simple. For so many years I had not publicly spoken out about My interest nor the fact that I had actual experience since there are legal issues with actually doing castration. Of course times have changed.
Today I finally met slave david that I had been talking to for a few months. Originally today was going to be about getting to know one another, chatting and perhaps allowing him to explore a bit. We actually sat down and talked for a couple of hours which was quite nice. Of course after awhile it was time to explore the new toys that he had bought Me. Showing him the various toys in person became quite titillating. So we began to explore. After restraining him I decided to put his balls into a metal ball stretcher. Pinching and the tightness caused those little balls and sack to turn such a bright redish purple that all I could do was giggle with delight. Since it was such a nice color I decided to release him from the restraints and have him walk around. As he bounced, the metal ball stretcher caused his sack to stretch further down. Mmm I could see in his eyes that the weight from it was being felt. Then came out the canes. A simple few swats caused him to scream out which was music to My ears.
To complete our day together which consisted of exploring the new 9in burdizzo, the new extended rings with Tri-bander and of course My old faithful elastrator on his nipples. I also was experimenting with the Xylocaine 2% injection since I have used the EMLA cream and Lidocaine but never this. Im definitely going to explore it more since when using the burdizzo on him it didn't numb as much as I thought it should. I was suppose to be seeing him tomorrow as well but an emergency happened. While our day together had no real flow to it, I did enjoy Myself immensely. Im definitely looking forward to when he can come back.
As for pictures...you'll just have to wait till next time. Hopefully by then My camcorder will be here to use.
So....whose balls are next??? LOL
08-01-06: How often have you thought if those little bits between your thighs was gone, your life would be much better?
I remember a little online wanker named slave dave started contacting Me almost 5 years ago. Same as the rest talking about his past experiences as well as the various fetishes he had. Online IMing developed into phone calls. For a couple of months we would talk which one of the subjects was the castration fetish we both shared. From our chatting I could tell his interest was fantasy based and he would wank in great delight just imagining a strong Dominant woman removing them, torturing them for her pleasure. For him at the time it was all about playing with himself and nothing more even though at the time he claimed to desire it. During our chats I told him I never do anything without a reason. At this same time I told him to be careful what he wished for because I was not into playing silly little games.
That September I was at a BBW party here in Columbus. Staying at the hotel there I decided to give slave dave a call. I told him to come to Me. I was ready to meet him. I still remember hearing him knocking at the door, maneuvering thru the dimly lit hotel room. Glancing at the couple sleeping soundly I had earlier had a threesome with. There he was, slave dave smiling nervously as I opened the door. I told him to enter which he did. The light within the bathroom and dressing room was bright so I took him to that area. I told him to strip to exam him. Once undressed he was ordered to kneel on the floor. Any precum that was leaking from his pathetic cock was to be cleaned up and eaten. Looking down upon him I told him I was going to exam his balls. Taking his sack into My hands I quickly found his cords. I told him he was going to suffer for Me while I examined them. As I applied pressure to his cords, crushing them his begging, crying and giggling rang thru My ears bringing Me great delight. Seconds led to minutes of his cords being crushed. Once I finished My examination I smiled and told him he may try to get hard and cum. I then led him into the main area of the room on the empty bed. The female awoke to use the bathroom as he was pulling and yanking his little limp piece of flesh. On her way back to bed she looked over at Me and I smiled and said "have you ever seen such a worthless, more pathetic cock in your life?" her reply was no she hadn't and returned to bed. For an hour he couldn't for the life of him get hard nor for that matter cum during this time I laughed and taunted him. When I was finally bored of watching his little face being red as he yanked and pulled I told him to stop and get dressed. Then I sent him home.
Soon after his visit he called and asked why he couldn't still get a complete erection nor cum. I said " I told you I don't play games and that night I crushed your cords to start the process of castration". While he was surprised he knew that it could actually happen. The fantasy for him turned into My reality.
Tonight My slave dave called. Since that night we have had many times together. After 5 years he has not cum since before that night, can not get an erection, has sensitive nipples, limited sex drive and his cock has shrank at least 3 inches. There are of course other side effects as well. While he still has his balls in his sack they are completely useless. And yes he is quite thankful that I was real.
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